Source code for laserbeamsize.m2_display

# pylint: disable=invalid-name
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A module for finding M² values for a laser beam.

Full documentation is available at <>

Finding the beam waist size, location, and M² for a beam is straightforward::

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    >>> import laserbeamsize as lbs
    >>> lambda0 = 632.8e-9  # meters
    >>> z = np.array([168, 210, 280, 348, 414, 480, 495, 510, 520, 580, 666, 770]) * 1e-3
    >>> r = np.array([597, 572, 547, 554, 479, 403, 415, 400, 377, 391, 326, 397]) * 1e-6
    >>> # create a graphic of the fit
    >>> lbs.M2_diameter_plot(z, 2 * r, lambda0)
    >>> # create a better graphic of the fit
    >>> lbs.M2_radius_plot(z, 2 * r, lambda0)

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.gridspec
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import laserbeamsize as lbs

__all__ = ('M2_diameter_plot',

def _fit_plot(z, d, lambda0, strict=False, z0=None, d0=None):
    Plot beam diameters and ISO 11146 fit.

        z: array of axial position of beam measurements [m]
        d: array of beam diameters  [m]
        lambda0: wavelength of the laser [m]
        residuals: array with differences between fit and data
        z0: location of focus
        zR: Rayleigh distance for beam
    params, errors, used = lbs.M2_fit(z, d, lambda0, strict=strict, z0=z0, d0=d0)
    unused = np.logical_not(used)
    d0, z0, Theta, M2, zR = params
    d0_std, z0_std, Theta_std, M2_std, zR_std = errors

    # fitted line
    zmin = min(np.min(z), z0 - 4 * zR)
    zmax = max(np.max(z), z0 + 4 * zR)
#    plt.xlim(zmin, zmax)
    z_fit = np.linspace(zmin, zmax)
#    d_fit = np.sqrt(d0**2 + (Theta * (z_fit - z0))**2)
#    plt.plot(z_fit * 1e3, d_fit * 1e6, ':k')
    d_fit_lo = np.sqrt((d0 - d0_std)**2 + ((Theta - Theta_std) * (z_fit - z0))**2)
    d_fit_hi = np.sqrt((d0 + d0_std)**2 + ((Theta + Theta_std) * (z_fit - z0))**2)
    plt.fill_between(z_fit * 1e3, d_fit_lo * 1e6, d_fit_hi * 1e6, color='red', alpha=0.5)

    # show perfect gaussian caustic when unphysical M2 arises
    if M2 < 1:
        Theta00 = 4 * lambda0 / (np.pi * d0)
        d_00 = np.sqrt(d0**2 + (Theta00 * (z_fit - z0))**2)
        plt.plot(z_fit * 1e3, d_00 * 1e6, ':k', lw=2, label="M²=1")
        plt.legend(loc="lower right")

    plt.fill_between(z_fit * 1e3, d_fit_lo * 1e6, d_fit_hi * 1e6, color='red', alpha=0.5)
    # data points
    plt.plot(z[used] * 1e3, d[used] * 1e6, 'o', color='black', label='used')
    plt.plot(z[unused] * 1e3, d[unused] * 1e6, 'ok', mfc='none', label='unused')

    tax = plt.gca().transAxes
    plt.text(0.05, 0.30, '$M^2$ = %.2f±%.2f ' % (M2, M2_std), transform=tax)
    plt.text(0.05, 0.25, '$d_0$ = %.0f±%.0f µm' % (d0 * 1e6, d0_std * 1e6), transform=tax)
    plt.text(0.05, 0.15, '$z_0$  = %.0f±%.0f mm' % (z0 * 1e3, z0_std * 1e3), transform=tax)
    plt.text(0.05, 0.10, '$z_R$  = %.0f±%.0f mm' % (zR * 1e3, zR_std * 1e3), transform=tax)
    Theta_ = Theta * 1e3
    Theta_std_ = Theta_std * 1e3
    plt.text(0.05, 0.05, r'$\Theta$  = %.2f±%.2f mrad' % (Theta_, Theta_std_), transform=tax)

    plt.axvline(z0 * 1e3, color='black', lw=1)
    plt.axvspan((z0 - zR) * 1e3, (z0 + zR) * 1e3, color='cyan', alpha=0.3)
    plt.axvspan((z0 - 2 * zR) * 1e3, (zmin) * 1e3, color='cyan', alpha=0.3)
    plt.axvspan((z0 + 2 * zR) * 1e3, (zmax) * 1e3, color='cyan', alpha=0.3)

#    plt.axhline(d0 * 1e6, color='black', lw=1)
#    plt.axhspan((d0 + d0_std) * 1e6, (d0 - d0_std) * 1e6, color='red', alpha=0.1)
    plt.title(r'$d^2(z) = d_0^2 + \Theta^2 (z - z_0)^2$')
    if sum(z[unused]) > 0:
        plt.legend(loc='upper right')

    residuals = d - np.sqrt(d0**2 + (Theta * (z - z0))**2)
    return residuals, z0, zR, used

def _M2_diameter_plot(z, d, lambda0, strict=False, z0=None, d0=None):
    Plot the fitted beam and the residuals.

        z: array of axial position of beam measurements [m]
        d: array of beam diameters  [m]
        lambda0: wavelength of the laser [m]
    fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(12, 8))
    gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[6, 2])

    residualsx, z0, zR, used = _fit_plot(z, d, lambda0, strict=strict, z0=z0, d0=d0)
    unused = np.logical_not(used)
    zmin = min(np.min(z), z0 - 4 * zR)
    zmax = max(np.max(z), z0 + 4 * zR)

    plt.ylabel('beam diameter (µm)')
    plt.ylim(0, 1.1 * max(d) * 1e6)

    plt.plot(z * 1e3, residualsx * 1e6, "ro")
    plt.plot(z[used] * 1e3, residualsx[used] * 1e6, 'ok', label='used')
    plt.plot(z[unused] * 1e3, residualsx[unused] * 1e6, 'ok', mfc='none', label='unused')

    plt.axhline(color="gray", zorder=-1)
    plt.xlabel('axial position $z$ (mm)')
    plt.ylabel('residuals (µm)')
    plt.axvspan((z0 - zR) * 1e3, (z0 + zR) * 1e3, color='cyan', alpha=0.3)
    plt.axvspan((z0 - 2 * zR) * 1e3, (zmin) * 1e3, color='cyan', alpha=0.3)
    plt.axvspan((z0 + 2 * zR) * 1e3, (zmax) * 1e3, color='cyan', alpha=0.3)

[docs] def M2_diameter_plot(z, dx, lambda0, dy=None, strict=False, z0=None, d0=None): """ Plot the semi-major and semi-minor beam fits and residuals. Example:: >>>> import numpy as np >>>> import laserbeamsize as lbs >>>> lambda0 = 632.8e-9 # meters >>>> z = np.array([168, 210, 280, 348, 414, 480, 495, 510, 520, 580, 666, 770]) >>>> r = np.array([597, 572, 547, 554, 479, 403, 415, 400, 377, 391, 326, 397]) >>>> lbs.M2_diameter_plot(z * 1e-3, 2 * r * 1e-6, lambda0) >>>> Args: z: array of axial position of beam measurements [m] lambda0: wavelength of the laser [m] dx: array of beam diameters [m] Returns: nothing """ if dy is None: _M2_diameter_plot(z, dx, lambda0, strict=strict, z0=z0, d0=d0) return ymax = 1.1 * max(np.max(dx), np.max(dy)) * 1e6 # Create figure window to plot data fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(12, 8)) gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2, height_ratios=[6, 2]) # semi-major axis plot fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) residualsx, z0x, zR, used = _fit_plot(z, dx, lambda0, strict=strict, z0=z0, d0=d0) zmin = min(np.min(z), z0x - 4 * zR) zmax = max(np.max(z), z0x + 4 * zR) unused = np.logical_not(used) plt.ylabel('beam diameter (µm)') plt.title('Semi-major Axis Diameters') plt.ylim(0, ymax) # semi-major residuals fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0]) ax = plt.gca() plt.plot(z[used] * 1e3, residualsx[used] * 1e6, 'ok', label='used') plt.plot(z[unused] * 1e3, residualsx[unused] * 1e6, 'ok', mfc='none', label='unused') plt.axhline(color="gray", zorder=-1) plt.xlabel('axial position $z$ (mm)') plt.ylabel('residuals (µm)') plt.axvspan((z0x - zR) * 1e3, (z0x + zR) * 1e3, color='cyan', alpha=0.3) plt.axvspan((z0x - 2 * zR) * 1e3, (zmin) * 1e3, color='cyan', alpha=0.3) plt.axvspan((z0x + 2 * zR) * 1e3, (zmax) * 1e3, color='cyan', alpha=0.3) # semi-minor axis plot fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1]) residualsy, z0y, zR, used = _fit_plot(z, dy, lambda0, strict=strict, z0=z0, d0=d0) unused = np.logical_not(used) plt.title('Semi-minor Axis Diameters') plt.ylim(0, ymax) ymax = max(np.max(residualsx), np.max(residualsy)) * 1e6 ymin = min(np.min(residualsx), np.min(residualsy)) * 1e6 ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) # semi-minor residuals fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1]) plt.plot(z[used] * 1e3, residualsy[used] * 1e6, 'ok', label='used') plt.plot(z[unused] * 1e3, residualsy[unused] * 1e6, 'ok', mfc='none', label='unused') plt.axhline(color="gray", zorder=-1) plt.xlabel('axial position $z$ (mm)') plt.ylabel('') plt.axvspan((z0y - zR) * 1e3, (z0y + zR) * 1e3, color='cyan', alpha=0.3) plt.axvspan((z0y - 2 * zR) * 1e3, (zmin) * 1e3, color='cyan', alpha=0.3) plt.axvspan((z0y + 2 * zR) * 1e3, (zmax) * 1e3, color='cyan', alpha=0.3) plt.ylim(ymin, ymax)
[docs] def M2_radius_plot(z, d, lambda0, strict=False, z0=None, d0=None): """ Plot radii, beam fits, and asymptotes. Example:: >>>> import numpy as np >>>> import laserbeamsize as lbs >>>> lambda0 = 632.8e-9 # meters >>>> z = np.array([168, 210, 280, 348, 414, 480, 495, 510, 520, 580, 666, 770]) >>>> r = np.array([597, 572, 547, 554, 479, 403, 415, 400, 377, 391, 326, 397]) >>>> lbs.M2_radius_plot(z * 1e-3, 2 * r * 1e-6, lambda0) >>>> Args: z: array of axial position of beam measurements [m] d: array of beam diameters [m] lambda0: wavelength of the laser [m] Returns: nothing """ params, errors, used = lbs.M2_fit(z, d, lambda0, strict=strict, z0=z0, d0=d0) unused = np.logical_not(used) d0, z0, Theta, M2, zR = params d0_std, _, Theta_std, M2_std, _ = errors plt.figure(1, figsize=(12, 8)) # fitted line zmin = min(np.min(z - z0), -4 * zR) * 1.05 + z0 zmax = max(np.max(z - z0), +4 * zR) * 1.05 + z0 plt.xlim((zmin - z0) * 1e3, (zmax - z0) * 1e3) z_fit = np.linspace(zmin, zmax) d_fit = np.sqrt(d0**2 + (Theta * (z_fit - z0))**2) # plt.plot((z_fit - z0) * 1e3, d_fit * 1e6 / 2, ':r') # plt.plot((z_fit - z0) * 1e3, -d_fit * 1e6 / 2, ':r') d_fit_lo = np.sqrt((d0 - d0_std)**2 + ((Theta - Theta_std) * (z_fit - z0))**2) d_fit_hi = np.sqrt((d0 + d0_std)**2 + ((Theta + Theta_std) * (z_fit - z0))**2) # asymptotes r_left = -(z0 - zmin) * np.tan(Theta / 2) * 1e6 r_right = (zmax - z0) * np.tan(Theta / 2) * 1e6 plt.plot([(zmin - z0) * 1e3, (zmax - z0) * 1e3], [r_left, r_right], '--b') plt.plot([(zmin - z0) * 1e3, (zmax - z0) * 1e3], [-r_left, -r_right], '--b') # xticks along top axis ticks = [(i * zR) * 1e3 for i in range(int((zmin - z0) / zR), int((zmax - z0) / zR) + 1)] ticklabels1 = ["%.0f" % (z + z0 * 1e3) for z in ticks] ticklabels2 = [] for i in range(int((zmin - z0) / zR), int((zmax - z0) / zR) + 1): if i == 0: ticklabels2 = np.append(ticklabels2, "0") elif i == -1: ticklabels2 = np.append(ticklabels2, r"-$z_R$") elif i == 1: ticklabels2 = np.append(ticklabels2, r"$z_R$") else: ticklabels2 = np.append(ticklabels2, r"%d$z_R$" % i) ax1 = plt.gca() ax2 = ax1.twiny() ax1.set_xticks(ticks) if len(ticks) > 10: ax1.set_xticklabels(ticklabels1, fontsize=14, rotation=90) else: ax1.set_xticklabels(ticklabels1, fontsize=14) ax2.set_xbound(ax1.get_xbound()) ax2.set_xticks(ticks) if len(ticks) > 10: ax2.set_xticklabels(ticklabels2, fontsize=14, rotation=90) else: ax2.set_xticklabels(ticklabels2, fontsize=14) # usual labels for graph ax1.set_xlabel('Axial Location (mm)', fontsize=14) ax1.set_ylabel('Beam radius (µm)', fontsize=14) title = r'$w_0=d_0/2$=%.0f±%.0fµm, ' % (d0 / 2 * 1e6, d0_std / 2 * 1e6) title += r'$M^2$ = %.2f±%.2f, ' % (M2, M2_std) title += r'$\lambda$=%.0f nm' % (lambda0 * 1e9) plt.title(title, fontsize=16) # show the divergence angle s = r'$\Theta$ = %.2f±%.2f mrad' % (Theta * 1e3, Theta_std * 1e3) plt.text(2 * zR * 1e3, 0, s, ha='left', va='center', fontsize=16) arc_x = 1.5 * zR * 1e3 arc_y = 1.5 * zR * np.tan(Theta / 2) * 1e6 plt.annotate('', (arc_x, -arc_y), (arc_x, arc_y), arrowprops={'arrowstyle': '<->', 'connectionstyle': 'arc3, rad=-0.2'}) # show the Rayleigh ranges ymin = max(np.max(d_fit), np.max(d)) ymin *= -1 / 2 * 1e6 plt.text(0, ymin, '$-z_R<z-z_0<z_R$', ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=16) x = (zmax - z0 + 2 * zR) / 2 * 1e3 plt.text(x, ymin, '$2z_R < z-z_0$', ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=16) x = (zmin - z0 - 2 * zR) / 2 * 1e3 plt.text(x, ymin, '$z-z_0 < -2z_R$', ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=16) ax1.axvspan((-zR) * 1e3, (+zR) * 1e3, color='cyan', alpha=0.3) ax1.axvspan((-2 * zR) * 1e3, (zmin - z0) * 1e3, color='cyan', alpha=0.3) ax1.axvspan((+2 * zR) * 1e3, (zmax - z0) * 1e3, color='cyan', alpha=0.3) # show the fit zz = (z_fit - z0) * 1e3 lo = d_fit_lo * 1e6 / 2 hi = d_fit_hi * 1e6 / 2 ax1.fill_between(zz, lo, hi, color='red', alpha=0.5) ax1.fill_between(zz, -lo, -hi, color='red', alpha=0.5) # show perfect gaussian caustic when unphysical M2 arises if M2 < 1: Theta00 = 4 * lambda0 / (np.pi * d0) r_00 = np.sqrt(d0**2 + (Theta00 * zz * 1e-3)**2) / 2 * 1e6 plt.plot(zz, r_00, ':k', lw=2, label="M²=1") plt.plot(zz, -r_00, ':k', lw=2) plt.legend(loc="lower right") # data points ax1.plot((z[used] - z0) * 1e3, d[used] * 1e6 / 2, 'ok', label='used') ax1.plot((z[used] - z0) * 1e3, -d[used] * 1e6 / 2, 'ok') ax1.plot((z[unused] - z0) * 1e3, d[unused] * 1e6 / 2, 'ok', mfc='none', label='unused') ax1.plot((z[unused] - z0) * 1e3, -d[unused] * 1e6 / 2, 'ok', mfc='none') if sum(z[unused]) > 0: ax1.legend(loc='center left')
[docs] def M2_focus_plot(w0, lambda0, f, z0, M2=1): """ Plot a beam from its waist through a lens to its focus. After calling this, use `` to display the plot. The lens is at `z=0` with respect to the beam waist. All distances to the left of the lens are negative and those to the right are positive. The beam has a waist at `z0`. If the beam waist is at the front focal plane of the lens then `z0=-f`. Args: w0: beam radius at waist [m] lambda0: wavelength of beam [m] f: focal length of lens [m] z0: location of beam waist [m] M2: beam propagation factor [-] Returns: nothing. """ # plot the beam from just before the waist to the lens left = 1.1 * z0 z = np.linspace(left, 0) r = lbs.beam_radius(w0, lambda0, z, z0=z0, M2=M2) plt.fill_between(z * 1e3, -r * 1e6, r * 1e6, color='red', alpha=0.2) # find the gaussian beam parameters for the beam after the lens w0_after = w0 * lbs.magnification(w0, lambda0, z0, f, M2=M2) z0_after = lbs.image_distance(w0, lambda0, z0, f, M2=M2) zR_after = lbs.z_rayleigh(w0_after, lambda0, M2) # plot the beam after the lens right = max(2 * f, z0_after + 4 * zR_after) z_after = np.linspace(0, right) r_after = lbs.beam_radius(w0_after, lambda0, z_after, z0=z0_after, M2=M2) # plt.axhline(w0_after * 1.41e6) plt.fill_between(z_after * 1e3, -r_after * 1e6, r_after * 1e6, color='red', alpha=0.2) # locate the lens and the two beam waists plt.axhline(0, color='black', lw=1) plt.axvline(0, color='black') plt.axvline(z0 * 1e3, color='black', linestyle=':') plt.axvline(z0_after * 1e3, color='black', linestyle=':') # finally, show the ±1 Rayleigh distance zRmin = max(0, (z0_after - zR_after)) * 1e3 zRmax = (z0_after + zR_after) * 1e3 plt.axvspan(zRmin, zRmax, color='blue', alpha=0.1) plt.xlabel('Axial Position Relative to Lens (mm)') plt.ylabel('Beam Radius (microns)') title = "$w_0$=%.0fµm, $z_0$=%.0fmm, " % (w0 * 1e6, z0 * 1e3) title += "$w_0'$=%.0fµm, $z_0'$=%.0fmm, " % (w0_after * 1e6, z0_after * 1e3) title += "$z_R'$=%.0fmm" % (zR_after * 1e3) plt.title(title)