laserbeamsize.analysis Module

A module for finding the beam size in an monochrome image.

Full documentation is available at <>

Simple and fast calculation of beam sizes from a single monochrome image based on the ISO 11146 method of variances. Some effort has been made to make the algorithm automatically handle background noise.

Finding the center and diameters of a beam in a monochrome image is simple:

>>> import imageio.v3 as iio
>>> import laserbeamsize as lbs
>>> file = ""
>>> image = iio.imread(file)
>>> x, y, dx, dy, phi = lbs.beam_size(image)
>>> print("The center of the beam ellipse is at (%.0f, %.0f)" % (x, y))
>>> print("The ellipse diameter (closest to horizontal) is %.0f pixels" % dx)
>>> print("The ellipse diameter (closest to   vertical) is %.0f pixels" % dy)
>>> print("The ellipse is rotated %.0f° ccw from the horizontal" % (phi * 180/3.1416))



Determine the beam center, diameters, and tilt using ISO 11146 standard.

beam_size(image[, mask_diameters, ...])

Determine beam parameters in an image with noise.