Source code for laserbeamsize.image_tools

# pylint: disable=invalid-name
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments

Image manipulation routines needed for beam analysis.

Full documentation is available at <>

import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap

__all__ = ('rotate_image',

def rotate_points(x, y, x0, y0, phi):
    Rotate x and y around designated center (x0, y0).

        x: x-values of point or array of points to be rotated
        y: y-values of point or array of points to be rotated
        x0: horizontal center of rotation
        y0: vertical center of rotation
        phi: angle to rotate (+ is ccw) in radians

        x, y: locations of rotated points
    xp = x - x0
    yp = y - y0

    s = np.sin(-phi)
    c = np.cos(-phi)

    xf = xp * c - yp * s
    yf = xp * s + yp * c

    xf += x0
    yf += y0

    return xf, yf

def values_along_line(image, x0, y0, x1, y1, N=100):
    Return x, y, z, and distance values between (x0, y0) and (x1, y1).

        image: the image to work with
        x0: x-value of start of line
        y0: y-value of start of line
        x1: x-value of end of line
        y1: y-value of end of line
        N:  number of points in returned array
        x: index of horizontal pixel values along line
        y: index of vertical pixel values along line
        z: image values at each of the x, y positions
        s: distance from start of minor axis to x, y position
    d = np.sqrt((x1 - x0)**2 + (y1 - y0)**2)
    s = np.linspace(0, 1, N)

    x = x0 + s * (x1 - x0)
    y = y0 + s * (y1 - y0)

    xx = x.astype(int)
    yy = y.astype(int)

    zz = image[yy, xx]

    return xx, yy, zz, (s - 0.5) * d

[docs] def major_axis_arrays(image, xc, yc, dx, dy, phi, diameters=3): """ Return x, y, z, and distance values along semi-major axis. Args: image: the image to work with xc: horizontal center of beam yc: vertical center of beam dx: ellipse diameter for axis closest to horizontal dy: ellipse diameter for axis closest to vertical phi: angle that elliptical beam is rotated [radians] diameters: number of diameters to use Returns: x: index of horizontal pixel values along line y: index of vertical pixel values along line z: image values at each of the x, y positions s: distance from start of minor axis to x, y position """ v, h = image.shape if dx > dy: rx = diameters * dx / 2 left = max(xc - rx, 0) right = min(xc + rx, h - 1) x = np.array([left, right]) y = np.array([yc, yc]) xr, yr = rotate_points(x, y, xc, yc, phi) else: ry = diameters * dy / 2 top = max(yc - ry, 0) bottom = min(yc + ry, v - 1) x = np.array([xc, xc]) y = np.array([top, bottom]) xr, yr = rotate_points(x, y, xc, yc, phi) return values_along_line(image, xr[0], yr[0], xr[1], yr[1])
[docs] def minor_axis_arrays(image, xc, yc, dx, dy, phi, diameters=3): """ Return x, y, z, and distance values along semi-minor axis. Args: image: the image to work with xc: horizontal center of beam yc: vertical center of beam dx: ellipse diameter for axis closest to horizontal dy: ellipse diameter for axis closest to vertical phi: angle that elliptical beam is rotated [radians] diameters: number of diameters to use Returns: x: index of horizontal pixel values along line y: index of vertical pixel values along line z: image values at each of the x, y positions s: distance from start of minor axis to x, y position """ v, h = image.shape if dx <= dy: rx = diameters * dx / 2 left = max(xc - rx, 0) right = min(xc + rx, h - 1) x = np.array([left, right]) y = np.array([yc, yc]) xr, yr = rotate_points(x, y, xc, yc, phi) else: ry = diameters * dy / 2 top = max(yc - ry, 0) bottom = min(yc + ry, v - 1) x = np.array([xc, xc]) y = np.array([top, bottom]) xr, yr = rotate_points(x, y, xc, yc, phi) return values_along_line(image, xr[0], yr[0], xr[1], yr[1])
[docs] def rotate_image(original, x0, y0, phi): """ Create image rotated about specified centerpoint. The image is rotated about a centerpoint (x0, y0) and then cropped to the original size such that the centerpoint remains in the same location. Args: image: the image to work with x: column y: row phi: angle [radians] Returns: image: rotated 2D array with same dimensions as original """ # center of original image cy, cx = (np.array(original.shape) - 1) / 2.0 # rotate image using defaults mode='constant' and cval=0.0 rotated = scipy.ndimage.rotate(original, np.degrees(phi), order=1) # center of rotated image, defaults mode='constant' and cval=0.0 ry, rx = (np.array(rotated.shape) - 1) / 2.0 # position of (x0, y0) in rotated image new_x0, new_y0 = rotate_points(x0, y0, cx, cy, phi) new_x0 += rx - cx new_y0 += ry - cy voff = int(new_y0 - y0) hoff = int(new_x0 - x0) # crop so center remains in same location as original ov, oh = original.shape rv, rh = rotated.shape rv1 = max(voff, 0) sv1 = max(-voff, 0) vlen = min(voff + ov, rv) - rv1 rh1 = max(hoff, 0) sh1 = max(-hoff, 0) hlen = min(hoff + oh, rh) - rh1 # move values into zero-padded array s = np.full_like(original, 0) sv1_end = sv1 + vlen sh1_end = sh1 + hlen rv1_end = rv1 + vlen rh1_end = rh1 + hlen s[sv1:sv1_end, sh1:sh1_end] = rotated[rv1:rv1_end, rh1:rh1_end] return s
[docs] def rotated_rect_arrays(xc, yc, dx, dy, phi, mask_diameters=3): """ Return x, y arrays to draw a rotated rectangle. Args: xc: horizontal center of beam yc: vertical center of beam dx: ellipse diameter for axis closest to horizontal dy: ellipse diameter for axis closest to vertical phi: angle that elliptical beam is rotated [radians] Returns: x, y : two arrays for points on corners of rotated rectangle """ rx = mask_diameters * dx / 2 ry = mask_diameters * dy / 2 # rectangle with center at (xc, yc) x = np.array([-rx, -rx, +rx, +rx, -rx]) + xc y = np.array([-ry, +ry, +ry, -ry, -ry]) + yc x_rot, y_rot = rotate_points(x, y, xc, yc, phi) return np.array([x_rot, y_rot])
[docs] def axes_arrays(xc, yc, dx, dy, phi, mask_diameters=3): """ Return x, y arrays needed to draw semi-axes of ellipse. Args: xc: horizontal center of beam yc: vertical center of beam dx: ellipse diameter for axis closest to horizontal dy: ellipse diameter for axis closest to vertical phi: angle that elliptical beam is rotated [radians] Returns: x, y arrays needed to draw semi-axes of ellipse """ rx = mask_diameters * dx / 2 ry = mask_diameters * dy / 2 # major and minor ellipse axes with center at (xc, yc) x = np.array([-rx, rx, 0, 0, 0]) + xc y = np.array([0, 0, 0, -ry, ry]) + yc x_rot, y_rot = rotate_points(x, y, xc, yc, phi) return np.array([x_rot, y_rot])
[docs] def ellipse_arrays(xc, yc, dx, dy, phi, npoints=200): """ Return x, y arrays to draw a rotated ellipse. Args: xc: horizontal center of beam yc: vertical center of beam dx: horizontal diameter of beam dy: vertical diameter of beam phi: angle that elliptical beam is rotated [radians] Returns: x, y : two arrays of points on the ellipse """ t = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, npoints) a = dx / 2 * np.cos(t) b = dy / 2 * np.sin(t) xp = xc + a * np.cos(phi) - b * np.sin(phi) yp = yc - a * np.sin(phi) - b * np.cos(phi) return np.array([xp, yp])
[docs] def create_test_image(h, v, xc, yc, dx, dy, phi, noise=0, ntype='poisson', max_value=255): """ Create a 2D test image with an elliptical beam and possible noise. Create a v x h image with an elliptical beam with specified center and beam dimensions. By default the values in the image will range from 0 to 255. The default image will have no background and no noise. Args: h: number of columns in 2D test image v: number of rows in 2D test image xc: horizontal center of beam yc: vertical center of beam dx: ellipse diameter for axis closest to horizontal dy: ellipse diameter for axis closest to vertical phi: angle that elliptical beam is rotated ccw [radians] noise: normally distributed pixel noise to add to image max_value: all values in image fall between 0 and `max_value` Returns: image: an unsigned 2D integer array of a Gaussian elliptical spot """ if max_value < 0 or max_value >= 2**16: raise ValueError('max_value must be positive and less than 65535') if not isinstance(h, int) or h <= 0: raise ValueError('number of columns must be positive') if not isinstance(v, int) or v <= 0: raise ValueError('number of rows must be positive') if abs(phi) > 2.1 * np.pi: raise ValueError('the angle phi should be in radians!') rx = dx / 2 ry = dy / 2 image0 = np.zeros([v, h]) y, x = np.ogrid[:v, :h] scale = max_value - 3 * noise image0 = scale * np.exp(-2 * (x - xc)**2 / rx**2 - 2 * (y - yc)**2 / ry**2) image1 = rotate_image(image0, xc, yc, phi) if noise > 0: if ntype == 'poisson': # noise is the mean value of the distribution image1 += np.random.poisson(noise, size=(v, h)) if ntype == 'constant': # noise is the mean value of the distribution image1 += noise if ntype in ('gaussian', 'normal'): # noise is the mean value of the distribution image1 += np.random.normal(noise, np.sqrt(noise), size=(v, h)) if ntype in ('flat', 'uniform'): # noise is the mean value of the distribution image1 += np.random.uniform(0, noise, size=(v, h)) # after adding noise, the signal may exceed the range 0 to max_value, image1 > max_value, max_value), image1 < 0, 0) if max_value < 2**8: return image1.astype(np.uint8) if max_value < 2**16: return image1.astype(np.uint16) return image1
[docs] def crop_image_to_rect(image, xc, yc, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax): """ Return image cropped to specified rectangle. Args: image: image of beam xc: horizontal center of beam yc: vertical center of beam xmin: left edge (pixels) xmax: right edge (pixels) ymin: top edge (pixels) ymax: bottom edge (pixels) Returns: cropped_image: cropped image new_xc, new_yc: new beam center (pixels) """ v, h = image.shape xmin = max(0, int(xmin)) xmax = min(h, int(xmax)) ymin = max(0, int(ymin)) ymax = min(v, int(ymax)) new_xc = xc - xmin new_yc = yc - ymin return image[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax], new_xc, new_yc
[docs] def crop_image_to_integration_rect(image, xc, yc, dx, dy, phi): """ Return image cropped to integration rectangle. Since the image is being cropped, the center of the beam will move. Args: image: image of beam xc: horizontal center of beam yc: vertical center of beam dx: horizontal diameter of beam dy: vertical diameter of beam phi: angle that elliptical beam is rotated [radians] Returns: cropped_image: cropped image new_xc: x-position of beam center in cropped image new_yc: y-position of beam center in cropped image """ xp, yp = rotated_rect_arrays(xc, yc, dx, dy, phi, mask_diameters=3) return crop_image_to_rect(image, xc, yc, min(xp), max(xp), min(yp), max(yp))
[docs] def create_cmap(vmin, vmax, band_percentage=4): """ Create a colormap with a specific range, mapping vmin to 0 and vmax to 1. The colormap is interesting because negative values are blue and positive values are red. Zero is shown as a white band: blue, dark blue, white, dark red, and red. The transition points between the colors are determined by the normalized range. Args: vmin (float): The minimum value of the range to be normalized. vmax (float): The maximum value of the range to be normalized. band_percentage (option): fraction of the entire band that is white Returns: matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap: The generated colormap with 255 colors. """ r = vmin / (vmin - vmax) delta = band_percentage / 100 colors = [(0, 0, 0.6), (0, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1), (1, 0, 0), (0.6, 0, 0)] positions = [0, (1 - delta) * r, r, (1 + delta) * r, 1] return LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("plus_minus", list(zip(positions, colors)), N=255)
[docs] def create_plus_minus_cmap(data): """Create a color map with reds for positive and blues for negative values.""" vmax = np.max(data) vmin = np.min(data) if 0 <= vmin <= vmax: return plt.get_cmap('Reds') if vmin <= vmax <= 0: return plt.get_cmap('Blues') return create_cmap(vmin, vmax)