Source code for laserbeamsize.display

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A module for generating a graphical analysis of beam size fitting.

Full documentation is available at <>

A graphic showing the image and extracted beam parameters is achieved by::

    >>> import imageio.v3 as iio
    >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    >>> import laserbeamsize as lbs
    >>> repo = ""
    >>> image = iio.imread(repo + 't-hene.pgm')
    >>> lbs.plot_image_analysis(image)

A mosaic of images might be created by::

    >>> import imageio.v3 as iio
    >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import laserbeamsize as lbs
    >>> repo = ""
    >>> z1 = np.array([168,210,280,348,414,480], dtype=float)
    >>> fn1 = [repo + "t-%dmm.pgm" % number for number in z1]
    >>> images = [iio.imread(fn) for fn in fn1]
    >>> options = {'z':z1/1000, 'pixel_size':0.00375, 'units':'mm', 'crop':True}
    >>> lbs.plot_image_montage(images, **options, iso_noise=False)

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import laserbeamsize as lbs

__all__ = ('beam_ellipticity',

[docs] def beam_ellipticity(dx, dy): """ Calculate the ellipticity of the beam. The ISO 11146 standard defines ellipticity as the "ratio between the minimum and maximum beam widths". These widths (diameters) returned by `beam_size()` can be used to make this calculation. When `ellipticity > 0.87`, then the beam profile may be considered to have circular symmetry. The equivalent beam diameter is the root mean square of the beam diameters. Args: dx: x diameter of the beam spot dy: y diameter of the beam spot Returns: ellipticity: varies from 0 (line) to 1 (round) d_circular: equivalent diameter of a circular beam """ if dy < dx: ellipticity = dy / dx elif dx < dy: ellipticity = dx / dy else: ellipticity = 1 d_circular = np.sqrt((dx**2 + dy**2) / 2) return ellipticity, d_circular
[docs] def plot_beam_diagram(): """Draw a simple astigmatic beam ellipse with labels.""" theta = np.radians(30) xc, yc, dx, dy = 0, 0, 50, 25 plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 6)) # If the aspect ratio is not `equal` then the major and minor radii # do not appear to be orthogonal to each other! plt.axes().set_aspect('equal') xp, yp = lbs.ellipse_arrays(xc, yc, dx, dy, theta) plt.plot(xp, yp, 'k', lw=2) xp, yp = lbs.rotated_rect_arrays(xc, yc, dx, dy, theta) plt.plot(xp, yp, ':b', lw=2) sint = np.sin(theta) / 2 cost = np.cos(theta) / 2 plt.plot([xc - dx * cost, xc + dx * cost], [yc + dx * sint, yc - dx * sint], ':b') plt.plot([xc + dy * sint, xc - dy * sint], [yc + dy * cost, yc - dy * cost], ':r') # draw axes plt.annotate("x'", xy=(-25, 0), xytext=(25, 0), arrowprops={'arrowstyle': '<-'}, va='center', fontsize=16) plt.annotate("y'", xy=(0, 25), xytext=(0, -25), arrowprops={'arrowstyle': '<-'}, ha='center', fontsize=16) plt.annotate(r'$\phi$', xy=(13, -2.5), fontsize=16) plt.annotate('', xy=(15.5, 0), xytext=(14, -8.0), arrowprops={'arrowstyle': '<-', 'connectionstyle': 'arc3, rad=-0.2'}) plt.annotate(r'$d_x$', xy=(-17, 7), color='blue', fontsize=16) plt.annotate(r'$d_y$', xy=(-4, -8), color='red', fontsize=16) plt.xlim(-30, 30) plt.ylim(30, -30) # inverted to match image coordinates! plt.axis('off')
def plot_visible_dotted_line(xpts, ypts): """Draw a dotted line that is is visible against images.""" plt.plot(xpts, ypts, '-', color='#FFD700') plt.plot(xpts, ypts, ':', color='#0057B8')
[docs] def plot_image_and_fit(o_image, pixel_size=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, units='µm', crop=False, colorbar=False, cmap='gist_ncar', corner_fraction=0.035, nT=3, iso_noise=True, **kwargs): """ Plot the image, fitted ellipse, integration area, and semi-major/minor axes. If pixel_size is defined, then the returned measurements are in units of pixel_size. This function helpful when creating a mosaics of all images captured for an experiment. If `crop==True` then the displayed image is cropped to the ISO 11146 integration rectangle. If `crop` is a two parameter list `[v, h]` then `v` and `h` are interpreted as the vertical and horizontal sizes of the rectangle. The size is in pixels unless `pixel_size` is specified. In that case the rectangle sizes are in whatever units `pixel_size` is . All cropping is done after analysis and therefosre only affects what is displayed. If the image needs to be cropped before analysis then that must be done before calling this function. Args: o_image: 2D array of image with beam spot pixel_size: (optional) size of pixels vmin: (optional) minimum value for colorbar vmax: (optional) maximum value for colorbar units: (optional) string used for units used on axes crop: (optional) crop image to integration rectangle colorbar (optional) show the color bar, cmap: (optional) colormap to use Returns: xc: horizontal center of beam yc: vertical center of beam dx: horizontal diameter of beam dy: vertical diameter of beam phi: angle that elliptical beam is rotated [radians] """ # only pass along arguments that apply to beam_size() beamsize_keys = ['mask_diameters', 'max_iter', 'phi'] bs_args = dict((k, kwargs[k]) for k in beamsize_keys if k in kwargs) bs_args['iso_noise'] = iso_noise bs_args['nT'] = nT bs_args['corner_fraction'] = corner_fraction # find center and diameters xc, yc, dx, dy, phi = lbs.beam_size(o_image, **bs_args) # establish scale and correct label if pixel_size is None: scale = 1 label = 'Pixels' else: scale = pixel_size label = 'Position (%s)' % units # crop image if necessary if isinstance(crop, list): ymin = yc - crop[0] / 2 / scale # in pixels ymax = yc + crop[0] / 2 / scale xmin = xc - crop[1] / 2 / scale xmax = xc + crop[1] / 2 / scale image, xc, yc = lbs.crop_image_to_rect(o_image, xc, yc, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) elif crop: image, xc, yc = lbs.crop_image_to_integration_rect(o_image, xc, yc, dx, dy, phi) else: image = o_image # establish maximum colorbar value if vmax is None: vmax = image.max() if vmin is None: vmin = image.min() # extents may be changed by scale v, h = image.shape extent = np.array([-xc, h - xc, v - yc, -yc]) * scale # display image and axes labels im = plt.imshow(image, extent=extent, cmap=cmap, vmax=vmax, vmin=vmin) plt.xlabel(label) plt.ylabel(label) # draw semi-major and semi-minor axes xp, yp = lbs.axes_arrays(xc, yc, dx, dy, phi) plot_visible_dotted_line((xp - xc) * scale, (yp - yc) * scale) # show ellipse around beam xp, yp = lbs.ellipse_arrays(xc, yc, dx, dy, phi) plot_visible_dotted_line((xp - xc) * scale, (yp - yc) * scale) # show integration area around beam xp, yp = lbs.rotated_rect_arrays(xc, yc, dx, dy, phi) plot_visible_dotted_line((xp - xc) * scale, (yp - yc) * scale) # set limits on axes plt.xlim(-xc * scale, (h - xc) * scale) plt.ylim((v - yc) * scale, -yc * scale) # show colorbar if colorbar: v, h = image.shape plt.colorbar(im, fraction=0.046 * v / h, pad=0.04) return xc * scale, yc * scale, dx * scale, dy * scale, phi
[docs] def plot_image_analysis(o_image, title='Original', pixel_size=None, units='µm', crop=False, cmap='gist_ncar', corner_fraction=0.035, nT=3, iso_noise=True, **kwargs): """ Create a visual report for image fitting. If `crop` is a two parameter list `[v, h]` then `v` and `h` are interpreted as the vertical and horizontal sizes of the rectangle. The size is in pixels unless `pixel_size` is specified. In that case the rectangle sizes are in whatever units `pixel_size` is . If `crop==True` then the displayed image is cropped to the ISO 11146 integration rectangle. All cropping is done after analysis and therefosre only affects what is displayed. If the image needs to be cropped before analysis then that must be done before calling this function. Args: o_image: 2D image of laser beam title: (optional) title for upper left plot pixel_size: (optional) size of pixels units: (optional) string used for units used on axes crop: (optional) crop image to integration rectangle cmap: (optional) colormap to use Returns: nothing """ # only pass along arguments that apply to beam_size() bs_args = dict((k, kwargs[k]) for k in ['mask_diameters', 'max_iter', 'phi'] if k in kwargs) bs_args['iso_noise'] = iso_noise bs_args['nT'] = nT bs_args['corner_fraction'] = corner_fraction # find center and diameters xc, yc, dx, dy, phi = lbs.beam_size(o_image, **bs_args) # determine scaling and labels if pixel_size is None: scale = 1 unit_str = '' units = 'pixels' label = 'Pixels from Center' else: scale = pixel_size unit_str = '[%s]' % units label = 'Distance from Center %s' % unit_str # crop image as appropriate if isinstance(crop, list): ymin = yc - crop[0] / 2 / scale # in pixels ymax = yc + crop[0] / 2 / scale xmin = xc - crop[1] / 2 / scale xmax = xc + crop[1] / 2 / scale image, xc, yc = lbs.crop_image_to_rect(o_image, xc, yc, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) elif crop: image, xc, yc = lbs.crop_image_to_integration_rect(o_image, xc, yc, dx, dy, phi) else: image = o_image # subtract background working_image = lbs.subtract_iso_background(image, corner_fraction=corner_fraction, nT=nT, iso_noise=iso_noise) bkgnd, _ = lbs.iso_background(image, corner_fraction=corner_fraction, nT=nT) min_ = image.min() max_ = image.max() vv, hh = image.shape # determine the sizes of the semi-major and semi-minor axes r_major = max(dx, dy) / 2.0 r_minor = min(dx, dy) / 2.0 # scale all the dimensions v_s = vv * scale h_s = hh * scale xc_s = xc * scale yc_s = yc * scale r_mag_s = r_major * scale d_mag_s = r_mag_s * 2 r_min_s = r_minor * scale d_min_s = r_min_s * 2 plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 12)) plt.subplots_adjust(right=1.0) # original image plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) im = plt.imshow(image, cmap=cmap) plt.colorbar(im, fraction=0.046 * v_s / h_s, pad=0.04) plt.clim(min_, max_) plt.xlabel('Position (pixels)') plt.ylabel('Position (pixels)') plt.title(title) # working image plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) extent = np.array([-xc_s, h_s - xc_s, v_s - yc_s, -yc_s]) im = plt.imshow(working_image, extent=extent, cmap=cmap) xp, yp = lbs.ellipse_arrays(xc, yc, dx, dy, phi) * scale plot_visible_dotted_line(xp - xc_s, yp - yc_s) xp, yp = lbs.axes_arrays(xc, yc, dx, dy, phi) * scale plot_visible_dotted_line(xp - xc_s, yp - yc_s) xp, yp = lbs.rotated_rect_arrays(xc, yc, dx, dy, phi) * scale plot_visible_dotted_line(xp - xc_s, yp - yc_s) plt.colorbar(im, fraction=0.046 * v_s / h_s, pad=0.04) # plt.clim(min_, max_) plt.xlim(-xc_s, h_s - xc_s) plt.ylim(v_s - yc_s, -yc_s) plt.xlabel(label) plt.ylabel(label) plt.title('Image w/o background, center at (%.0f, %.0f) %s' % (xc_s, yc_s, units)) # plot of values along semi-major axis _, _, z, s = lbs.major_axis_arrays(image, xc, yc, dx, dy, phi) a = np.sqrt(2 / np.pi) / r_major * abs(np.sum(z - bkgnd) * (s[1] - s[0])) baseline = a * np.exp(-2) + bkgnd plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) plt.plot(s * scale, z, 'sb', markersize=2) plt.plot(s * scale, z, '-b', lw=0.5) z_values = bkgnd + a * np.exp(-2 * (s / r_major)**2) plt.plot(s * scale, z_values, 'k') plt.annotate('', (-r_mag_s, baseline), (r_mag_s, baseline), arrowprops={'arrowstyle': '<->'}) plt.text(0, 1.1 * baseline, 'dx=%.0f %s' % (d_mag_s, units), va='bottom', ha='center') plt.text(0, bkgnd + a, ' Gaussian Fit') plt.xlabel('Distance from Center [%s]' % units) plt.ylabel('Pixel Intensity Along Semi-Major Axis') plt.title('Semi-Major Axis') # plt.gca().set_ylim(bottom=0) # plot of values along semi-minor axis _, _, z, s = lbs.minor_axis_arrays(image, xc, yc, dx, dy, phi) a = np.sqrt(2 / np.pi) / r_minor * abs(np.sum(z - bkgnd) * (s[1] - s[0])) baseline = a * np.exp(-2) + bkgnd plt.subplot(2, 2, 4) plt.plot(s * scale, z, 'sb', markersize=2) plt.plot(s * scale, z, '-b', lw=0.5) z_values = bkgnd + a * np.exp(-2 * (s / r_minor)**2) plt.plot(s * scale, z_values, 'k') plt.annotate('', (-r_min_s, baseline), (r_min_s, baseline), arrowprops={'arrowstyle': '<->'}) plt.text(0, 1.1 * baseline, 'dy=%.0f %s' % (d_min_s, units), va='bottom', ha='center') plt.text(0, bkgnd + a, ' Gaussian Fit') plt.xlabel('Distance from Center [%s]' % units) plt.ylabel('Pixel Intensity Along Semi-Minor Axis') plt.title('Semi-Minor Axis') # plt.gca().set_ylim(bottom=0) # add more horizontal space between plots plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3)
[docs] def plot_image_montage(images, z=None, cols=3, pixel_size=None, vmax=None, vmin=None, units='µm', crop=False, cmap='gist_ncar', corner_fraction=0.035, nT=3, iso_noise=True, **kwargs): """ Create a beam size montage for a set of images. If `crop` is a two parameter list `[v, h]` then `v` and `h` are interpreted as the vertical and horizontal sizes of the rectangle. The size is in pixels unless `pixel_size` is specified. In that case the rectangle sizes are in whatever units `pixel_size` is . If `crop==True` then the displayed image is cropped to the ISO 11146 integration rectangle. All cropping is done after analysis and therefosre only affects what is displayed. If the image needs to be cropped before analysis then that must be done before calling this function. Args: images: array of 2D images of the laser beam z: (optional) array of axial positions of images (always in meters!) cols: (optional) number of columns in the montage pixel_size: (optional) size of pixels vmax: (optional) maximum gray level to use units: (optional) string used for units used on axes crop: (optional) crop image to integration rectangle cmap: (optional) colormap to use Returns: dx: semi-major diameter dy: semi-minor diameter """ # arrays to save diameters dx = np.zeros(len(images)) dy = np.zeros(len(images)) # calculate the number of rows needed in the montage rows = (len(images) - 1) // cols + 1 # when pixel_size is not specified, units default to pixels if pixel_size is None: units = 'pixels' # gather all the options that are fixed for every image in the montage options = {'pixel_size': pixel_size, 'vmax': vmax, 'vmin': vmin, 'units': units, 'crop': crop, 'cmap': cmap, 'corner_fraction': corner_fraction, 'nT': nT, 'iso_noise': iso_noise, **kwargs} # now set up the grid of subplots plt.subplots(rows, cols, figsize=(cols * 5, rows * 5)) for i, im in enumerate(images): plt.subplot(rows, cols, i + 1) # should we add color bar? cb = not (vmax is None) and (i + 1 == cols) # plot the image and gather the beam diameters _, _, dx[i], dy[i], _ = plot_image_and_fit(im, **options, colorbar=cb) # add a title if units == 'mm': s = "dx=%.2f%s, dy=%.2f%s" % (dx[i], units, dy[i], units) else: s = "dx=%.0f%s, dy=%.0f%s" % (dx[i], units, dy[i], units) if z is None: plt.title(s) else: plt.title("z=%.0fmm, %s" % (z[i] * 1e3, s)) # omit y-labels on all but first column if i % cols: plt.ylabel("") if isinstance(crop, list): plt.yticks([]) # omit x-labels on all but last row if i < (rows - 1) * cols: plt.xlabel("") if isinstance(crop, list): plt.xticks([]) for i in range(len(images), rows * cols): plt.subplot(rows, cols, i + 1) plt.axis("off") return dx, dy