Source code for laserbeamsize.analysis

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A module for finding the beam size in an monochrome image.

Full documentation is available at <>

Simple and fast calculation of beam sizes from a single monochrome image based
on the ISO 11146 method of variances.  Some effort has been made to make
the algorithm automatically handle background noise.

Finding the center and diameters of a beam in a monochrome image is simple::

    >>> import imageio.v3 as iio
    >>> import laserbeamsize as lbs
    >>> file = ""
    >>> image = iio.imread(file)
    >>> x, y, dx, dy, phi = lbs.beam_size(image)
    >>> print("The center of the beam ellipse is at (%.0f, %.0f)" % (x, y))
    >>> print("The ellipse diameter (closest to horizontal) is %.0f pixels" % dx)
    >>> print("The ellipse diameter (closest to   vertical) is %.0f pixels" % dy)
    >>> print("The ellipse is rotated %.0f° ccw from the horizontal" % (phi * 180/3.1416))

import numpy as np
import laserbeamsize as lbs

__all__ = ('basic_beam_size',

[docs] def basic_beam_size(original): """ Determine the beam center, diameters, and tilt using ISO 11146 standard. Find the center and sizes of an elliptical spot in an 2D array. The function does nothing to eliminate background noise. It just finds the first and second order moments and returns the beam parameters. Consequently a beam spot in an image with a constant background will fail badly. FWIW, this implementation is roughly 800X faster than one that finds the moments using for loops. When background noise dominates then a diameter of 1 is returned. Args: image: 2D array of image with beam spot Returns: xc: horizontal center of beam yc: vertical center of beam dx: horizontal diameter of beam dy: vertical diameter of beam phi: angle that elliptical beam is rotated [radians] """ image = original.astype(float) v, h = image.shape # total of all pixels p = np.sum(image, dtype=float) # float avoids integer overflow # sometimes the image is all zeros, just return if p == 0: return int(h / 2), int(v / 2), 0, 0, 0 # find the centroid hh = np.arange(h, dtype=float) # float avoids integer overflow vv = np.arange(v, dtype=float) # ditto xc = np.sum(, hh)) / p yc = np.sum(, vv)) / p # find the variances hs = hh - xc vs = vv - yc xx = np.sum(, hs**2)) / p xy =, vs), hs) / p yy = np.sum(, vs**2)) / p # Ensure that the case xx==yy is handled correctly if xx == yy: disc = np.abs(2 * xy) phi = np.sign(xy) * np.pi / 4 else: diff = xx - yy disc = np.sign(diff) * np.sqrt(diff**2 + 4 * xy**2) phi = 0.5 * np.arctan(2 * xy / diff) # finally, the major and minor diameters dx = 1 dy = 1 if xx + yy + disc > 0: # fails when negative noise dominates dx = np.sqrt(8 * (xx + yy + disc)) if xx + yy - disc > 0: dy = np.sqrt(8 * (xx + yy - disc)) # phi is negative because image is inverted phi *= -1 return xc, yc, dx, dy, phi
def _validate_inputs(image, mask_diameters=3, corner_fraction=0.035, nT=3, max_iter=25, phi=None ): """ Ensure arguments to validate inputs are sane. This is separate to keep the beam_size() a reasonable size. """ if len(image.shape) > 2: raise ValueError('Color images not supported. Image must be 2D.') if mask_diameters <= 0 or mask_diameters > 5: raise ValueError('mask_diameters must be a positive number less than 5.') if corner_fraction < 0 or corner_fraction > 0.25: raise ValueError('corner_fraction must be a positive number less than 0.25.') if nT < 2 or nT > 4: raise ValueError('nT must be between 2 and 4.') if max_iter < 0 or not isinstance(max_iter, int): raise ValueError('max_iter must be a non-negative integer.') if phi is not None and abs(phi) > 2.1 * np.pi: raise ValueError('the angle phi should be in radians!')
[docs] def beam_size(image, mask_diameters=3, corner_fraction=0.035, nT=3, max_iter=25, phi=None, iso_noise=True): """ Determine beam parameters in an image with noise. The function first estimates the elliptical spot by excluding all points that are less than the average value found in the corners of the image. These beam parameters are then used to determine a rectangle that surrounds the elliptical spot. The rectangle size is `mask_diameters` times the spot diameters. This is the integration region used for estimate a new beam spot. This process is repeated until two successive spot sizes match again as outlined in ISO 11146 `corner_fraction` determines the size of the corners. ISO 11146-3 recommends values from 2-5%. The default value of 3.5% works pretty well. `mask_diameters` is the size of the rectangular mask in diameters of the ellipse. ISO 11146 states that `mask_diameters` should be 3. This default value works fine. `nT` accounts for noise in the background. The background is estimated using the values in the corners of the image as `mean+nT * stdev`. ISO 11146 states that `2<nT<4`. The default value works fine. `max_iter` is the maximum number of iterations done before giving up. Args: image: 2D array of image of beam mask_diameters: (optional) the size of the integratifon rectangle in diameters corner_fraction: (optional) the fractional size of the corners nT: (optional) the multiple of background noise to remove max_iter: (optional) maximum number of iterations. phi: (optional) fixed tilt of ellipse in radians Returns: xc: horizontal center of beam yc: vertical center of beam dx: horizontal diameter of beam dy: vertical diameter of beam phi: angle that elliptical beam is rotated ccw [radians] """ _validate_inputs(image, mask_diameters, corner_fraction, nT, max_iter, phi) # zero background for initial guess at beam size image_no_bkgnd = lbs.subtract_iso_background(image, corner_fraction=corner_fraction, nT=nT, iso_noise=False) xc, yc, dx, dy, phi_ = basic_beam_size(image_no_bkgnd) if iso_noise: # follow iso background guidelines (positive & negative bkgnd values) image_no_bkgnd = lbs.subtract_iso_background(image, corner_fraction=corner_fraction, nT=nT, iso_noise=True) for _iteration in range(1, max_iter): if phi is not None: phi_ = phi # save current beam properties for later comparison xc2, yc2, dx2, dy2 = xc, yc, dx, dy # create a mask so only values within the mask are used mask = lbs.rotated_rect_mask(image, xc, yc, dx, dy, phi_, mask_diameters) masked_image = np.copy(image_no_bkgnd) # zero values outside mask (rotation allows mask pixels to differ from 0 or 1) masked_image[mask < 0.5] = 0 # find the new parameters xc, yc, dx, dy, phi_ = basic_beam_size(masked_image) if abs(xc - xc2) < 1 and abs(yc - yc2) < 1 and abs(dx - dx2) < 1 and abs(dy - dy2) < 1: break if phi is not None: phi_ = phi return xc, yc, dx, dy, phi_
def basic_beam_size_naive(image): """ Slow but simple implementation of ISO 11146 beam standard. This is identical to `basic_beam_size()` and is the obvious way to program the calculation of the necessary moments. It is slow. Args: image: 2D array of image with beam spot in it Returns: xc: horizontal center of beam yc: vertical center of beam dx: horizontal diameter of beam dy: vertical diameter of beam phi: angle that elliptical beam is rotated [radians] """ v, h = image.shape # locate the center just like ndimage.center_of_mass(image) p = 0.0 xc = 0.0 yc = 0.0 for i in range(v): for j in range(h): p += image[i, j] xc += image[i, j] * j yc += image[i, j] * i xc = int(xc / p) yc = int(yc / p) # calculate variances xx = 0.0 yy = 0.0 xy = 0.0 for i in range(v): for j in range(h): xx += image[i, j] * (j - xc)**2 xy += image[i, j] * (j - xc) * (i - yc) yy += image[i, j] * (i - yc)**2 xx /= p xy /= p yy /= p # compute major and minor axes as well as rotation angle dx = 2 * np.sqrt(2) * np.sqrt(xx + yy + np.sign(xx - yy) * np.sqrt((xx - yy)**2 + 4 * xy**2)) dy = 2 * np.sqrt(2) * np.sqrt(xx + yy - np.sign(xx - yy) * np.sqrt((xx - yy)**2 + 4 * xy**2)) phi = 2 * np.arctan2(2 * xy, xx - yy) return xc, yc, dx, dy, phi